
Flutter Study Jam

Instructor for the upcoming Flutter Study Jam in Bhubaneshwar, happening every Saturday from 22nd September, 2018 till October 6th, 2018.

See all past events
  • Pooja Bhaumik

    Mobile Developer, Technical Writer & Speaker with passion for Community Development

  • Creative Developer
    Logical Designer

ferris wheel

Flutter: Push, Pop, Push

Overview of Navigator methods in Flutter and describing the implementation and a use-case for each push and pop method.

Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship

Among the 100 women in the world to receive the scholarship by Udacity & Women Techmakers to enroll into the Android Development Nanodegree by Udacity. Graduated from the nanodegree in May 2018


As a community lead and co-founder of xxCode, we are working to bring a passion for development and design among the female students by organizing online coding and UI challenges and offline hands on sessions where we discuss and demo the latest and trendiest technologies & tools eventually motivating them to participate and preparing them for hackathons, technical challenges, conferences, etc.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live

John Woods